Terese Shanley is an intuitive healer working to channel the light! After 30 years as a hospice nurse, Terese felt the call to move to a different realm of healing. She is yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher and has trained extensively in many different areas of healing. She is transforming the world by introducing people to their souls, to who they are, to showing them their intuitive gifts.
In this episode, we talk about the difference between the ego and the soul and what purpose the ego serves in guiding us to understanding who we are and evolving our souls. This is a conversation about energy that created us, understanding the power of surrendering and tapping into deep awareness.
Terese created The Holy Spirit Deck with artist Erin Leaper. There is a source of love and from that love comes angels, saints and guides.
What is yours? This card deck is an expression of Terese’s and we found this conversation with her to be warm, open and enlightening.
Meet Terese and pick up your Holy Spirit Deck at Unfoldingdivinity.com